that one word can sum up how I've been feeling lately.
Preschool isn't going so's not that I don't like what I'm doing but it's hard for me to teach someone else's program, in the way in which she not only has the class set up but in the time slots she has allotted for each thing. I find it doesn't flow for me. I'm also struggling with the fact that it is a mix if kids. Last year, the other teacher and I had it so she had the 3-4yr olds and I had the 4-5yr olds. It worked really well. This year, the class is a mix of kids who just turned 3 and some that will be starting kindergarden. It's pretty difficult to keep the attention span of a 3yr old at circle time! I've had a child stand up and pee his pants and a parent helper that brought her 1.5 yr old with her. Not only did she spend the majority of the day taking him off the things he was climbing on but so did I. It was really hard to instruct when I had to stop what I was doing to deal with him. It's also a bit hard because I know it's not permanent...only 4 classes left and then I'll be finished with preschool and can start saying yes to the schools that are calling me to sub.
Figures doesn't ring for the first month or so after I submit my application to be a sub EA and now that I can't do it, I have 3 schools that all want me the last week of January...sheesh!
On top of that, hockey is almost to the point of ridiculous. I have had to send out letters to the parents of the A team reminding them of the code of ethics as set out by our association cause they are behaving that poorly. It is starting to affect the team morale too. I'll be soooo happy when this season is over and my position as Director is over. I won't even blink at the idea of doing it again next!!!
And then there's too can be a bit overwhelming at I'm sure you all know.
It's nothing big but all the little stuff...the clutter (which I am making good progress on cause I'm so frustrated with it I'm just throwing it all and time...for family, me and scrapping. I was doing so well for the first part of this month juggling it all but it just seems to be too much at once right now. I couldn't imagine trying to do all of this stuff and have a full time job. Those of you that do...please share your tips and tricks.
Despite all that, I think I'm still pretty happy and stress free...I am trying to not let it consume me and having Brian home has been good for that. There are days where he seems to "bug" me but he is also a huge asset...he's helping out around the house way more than he does regularly and spending a lot of time with the boys which they love and it gives me a break too. So without him here everyday right now, I'd probably be either curled up in the fetal position or drinking on a daily!!! So to you hon, Thanks for being my rock...I love you!!
Alright, enough of that...I am really enjoying the APAD (I need to upload some more but haven't had time) can check them out for yourself if ya like....look to the sidebar on the right for the project 365 (which should actually be 366 as it is leap year). It's fun to try different angles and perspectives with the camera as well as taking pics of everyday stuff.
I haven't had a chance to finish that mini album I mentioned in the last post about myself but hope to this Saturday. I'll post it when I'm done as well as a few other pages I managed to complete before I had all this other stuff to deal with.
The boys are doing well. We are all healthy...hoping to stay that way so we can take our trip.
I guess that's it for now...needed a vent. I have a hair appointment in 15 minutes, so...take care everyone. I'll be making blog rounds tonight to see what you've all been up to.