It was sooo good to see Chrystal and the boys. She picked me up at the airport alone so we got to ramble and catch up. It was nice. Friday was a typical day...running errands and chasing kids but we did go out for supper.
Saturday was awesome...we packed a picnic lunch and made the one hour trip to the ocean...that's right...I spent the entire day walking along the beach, picking seashells and writing in the sand. We walked to the pier and out to the end. It's been quite a few years since I've been to the ocean and was completely blown away by it's beauty and calming effect (for me anyway). I took probably at least 150 pics in total and will share some of the favs with you...
I absolutely am in love with this one because everything is b&w except the blue (my camera has this fun feature called color it!) *click on any image to see it bigger*

there are a lot more but some include Chrystal and the boys and I don't have her permission to post them and I'm the only one who really knows her so...ya know!
My flight home was delayed because the pilot flying to pick us up, hit a flock of birds (sparrows I think they said) and the plane had to be inspected before we were allowed to get on it. Brian came to pick me up alone, as the boys didn't want to come...little buggers didn't even miss me because, and I quote, "we had lot's of fun with Dad this weekend", end quote! I was extremely happy to hear that they had some quality time with their Dad, who they don't see too often, because of his working out of town. It was a win-win situation for all of us. I cannot wait to go time, we're having fish'n'chips on the beach from Moby Dick's!!! (we might actually take a summer vacation out that way next year, stopping to do all the touristy things along the way).
I'm feeling so good, about me, my family and life in general that it seems the perfect time to recommit myself to my diet and exercise routine too. I will win the battle this time...I'm tired of it and it has to stop here (picture me putting my foot down!
In other news, the boys are all adjusting to school, new teachers and getting back into routine. Hockey starts today for Reilly, so that will keep us busy about 5 days/week!!! (don't forget I'm the director so that adds extra busy this hockey season for me).
I guess that's it in a nutshell, so until next time, play safe and have fun (did i just sound like the Bodybreak people...???lol)
love the pics..the collage looks great!
isn't it amazing how even a small get away can leave you feeling like a new person? i sooo understand what you are saying!
glad to hear you had a great time!
Wow love the collages Laura, makes me long to go and visit my sisters ~ might have to think of making a trip out alone myself here soon ~ I could use a little rest and relaxation myself. Maybe to celebrate my 40th in November?!
Glad you are in such a good place right now, I know I keep trying to build myself and my "atmosphere" up - it helps just even getting daily little routine things done doesn't it?! Hope to meet up with you soon and do some scrapbooking together!
The water pics. remind me of here. You would love it.I love the sound of the surf breaking on the beach. It is calming.
Beautiful pictures!! Love the collages.
Laura, those pictures are stunning!!! I LOVE the underwater photos of the starfish. WOW WOW WOW!!!! Sounds like it was a great weekend away for you. Rejuvenation is important. Glad you were able to do this.
What amazing photos! Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend - glad you were able to relax!
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